

Quality assurance of software development

Our company carries out an independent quality assurance of information systems development and installation in the execution stage of the project. According to customer demand, we perform assessment of development documentation prepared by developer of information system, functional acceptance testing, usability testing, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, as well as other activities ensuring quality of information system development and installation.

  • 1. Functional acceptance testing

  • 2. Usability testing

  • 3. Assessment of development documentation

  • 4. Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing

  • 5. Hardware assessment

Specification of software and hardware solutions

In the execution stage of the project we specify requirements for software solutions, elaborate requirements for information systems and necessary hardware, propose functional structures and architectures, analyze and design current and future business processes.

  • 1. Hardware specification

  • 2. Business process analysis and optimization

  • 3. Information systems specification

Project development and management

We perform preparation of investment projects, applications, feasibility studies, equally provide assistance in generating ideas and finding financing sources in the initiating stage of the project. In the execution stage of the project we provide project management services consisting of budget, resources and procurement control as well as organizational services including establishment and validation of systems, procurement planning and execution, and other activities for successful IT project implementation.

  • 1. Systems establishment and validation

  • 2. Risk and compliance assessment

  • 3. Project management and monitoring

  • 4. Advice on public procurement

  • 5. Preparation of feasibility studies and investment projects

  • 6. Development of funding applications